Don Zimmer: Original 1962 Mets Third Baseman (1962)

Donald William Zimmer was born on January 17, 1931, in Western Hills, Ohio and went to the same high school Pete Rose would go to in Cincinnati. Zimmer was an infielder earning the nickname Popeye, getting signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1949. In the minors while playing at Elmira, he got married at home plate before a game to his wife Jean Soot. In 1953 he was leading the American Association with 23 HRs & 63 RBIs in July when he was hit in the head with a pitch striking his temple and was seriously injured. He was in & out of consciousness for a week, lost vision, then had to have holes drilled in his skull to relieve the swelling. He was told he was finished in baseball, that playing was too dangerous. But the stubborn Zimmer wouldn’t accept that & made a remarkable comeback. MLB Debut: He was brought up to the Brooklyn Dodgers club in July of 1954 as a utility infielder, behind the talents of Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson & Jim G...