Concert Review: Paul McCartney at Citi Field- A Perfect Show!

Where do we start? Ok, this may have been the best Paul McCartney show I have ever been to. A bold statement yes, but it lived up to the billing. Just when you think the incredible Paul might have slowed up at 67 years of age, no way, he rocked better than ever. I have seen Paul on every tour since 1989, and the first ever concert at Citi Field concert may have topped them all.

Paul McCartney started out by saying: "Long time since I was here," McCartney said. "I've got a feeling that we're going to have a little bit of fun tonight." And did we ever have fun. Paul is the master, he has become the greatest show on earth, more than a living legend, he is the man, the master. He cont
rolled the crowds moods and brought to life his incredible music of generations.

I had great seats, 15th Row (A6) right side of the stage. The aisles were way too tight, but other than that everything was handled well. Floor ticket holder were allowed entry thru the Bull Pen gate and Field access was allowed with a wrist band. All the concessions were open, and vendors were walking around selling beer, water & pretzels. As for souvenirs; the Tour books were $30, T shirts in the $35-$40 range as well. The weather didn't agree it was the most humid night of the summer and it did rain on us for a while. Nothing we couldn't handle though. An Irish band opened the show, then in between sets solo McCartney music was played with a dance beat & effects behind it. I got to hear one of my obscure favs during this set, McCartney II fans would be proud, Temporary Secretary .

Paul hit the stage at around 9 PM, looking real good in a Beatles '64 type black sport jacket & white collared shirt. He played non stop for 2 1/2 hours, bouncing from his classic Beatles Hofner bass to piano to ukulele to guitar. His voice sounded great, he had alot of energy, he talked & joked with the crowd often. The band was perfect, they have been touring with Paul for years now and it seems they are at their peak together. The sound was clear crisp & and loud.

Macca opened with the Beatles Drive My Car, and as they say the crowd went crazy & it never stopped.

Paul gave us a great eclectic set list from all eras of his career, lots of classics and some surprises. He pulled out Wings' My Love and dedicated it to Linda & all the lovers at Citi Field. You could tell it was emotional for him as he seemed to choke up in the intro and you could almost see tears in his eyes.

He did an ode to John Lennon with an acoustic version of Here Today. A song which he wrote after Johns death, again very emotional. I thought I had seen it all, but he totally blew me away with the Beatles, A Day In The Life. A song I thought I never would have wanted him to play live, but it worked and was done well. How classic was the middle "Woke up, fell out of bed" part? Absolutely unreal. He closed the song out with a version of Johns Give Peace a Chance, another mind blower. He also did a tribute to George, playing George's Something on the ukulele. He started out doing it solo then the band joined in for the complete version.

Centerfield maz had picked The Fireman's Electric Arguments as the album of the year lat year, and we got two great ones from there tonight (Sing For Changes & Highway). He also did my two favorite songs from Pauls other most recent album, Memory Almost Full ( Only Momma Knows& Dance Tonight). Other non Beatles non Wings songs included Flaming Pie and the great acoustic Calico Skies from the same album.

If I was to complain I would have wanted more Wings songs, Mrs Vanderbilt was my biggest Wings surprise and Let Me Roll It was sensational. Live & Let Die was also a show stopped ,complete with pyro technics and a massive fireworks display high above Citit Field.

As for the Beatles tunes, we got 20 of them, incredible. I never would have believed Paul could still sing Long Tall Sally like he did at Shea Stad
ium in 1965 but he pulled it off. He introduced it as one they did many years at old Shea on that historic night. Another great McCartney vocal was on Let It Be's Ive Got A Feeling. This may have been my fav of the night, absolutely unreal. Of course there were all the usual classics which never disappoint, Let it Be, Long & Winding Road, Lady Madonna, and some pleasant surprises how about; Day Tripper, Got To Get You Into My Life, Eleanore Rigby, Paperback Writer and Helter Skelter. Only Paul could pull of Yesterday into Helter Skelter, hows that for contrast of his Beatles career. As for Yesterday, it may not be my favorite song of all time, but there is no finer moment than when Paul McCartney plays Yesterday on an acoustic guitar, it brings tears to my eyes and so many memories of my life are remembered. As I have always said just give me a show with Paul & an acoustic guitar and I'm there for top dollar.

Ringo never showed up as the rumors were saying but Billy Joel did appear as a guest to play piano & share a vocal on I Saw Her Standing There, which brings the house down as much as any than any other song can. So almost a year after Paul closed out Billy's show with
the last concert at Shea, Billy joined Paul on stage for the first concert at Citi Field.

Macca seemed like he never wanted to stop playing, after 8 encores, the band rolled into Sgt. Peppers reprise and jammed out to the end, as a blizzard of confetti ended the show. We exited out of the bullpen gate in no time. To me it seemed the flow of people moved well before & after the show, very orderly and controlled well. Hats off to Paul, his band, the crew & Citi Field personnel.

Paul McCartney's Citi Field Opening Night Set List July 17, 2009

Drive My Car
Only Mama Knows
Flaming Pie
Got To Get You Into My Life
Let Me Roll It (ends with Hendrix Foxy Lady instrumental)
Long And Winding Road
My Love
Here Today
Dance Tonight
Calico Skies
Mrs Vanderbilt
Eleanor Rigby
Sing The Changes
Band On The Run
Back In The USSR
I'm Down (sorry originally posted Long Tall Sally)
I've Got A Feeling
Paperback Writer
A Day In The Life/ Give Peace A Chance
Let It Be
Live And Let Die
Hey Jude
Day Tripper
Lady Madonna
I Saw Her Standing There
Helter Skelter
Get Back
Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
The End


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Great write-up. I was also there in Section A6 in the 20th row. Just a correction, he didn't play Long Tall Sally. The song you're referring to from the 1965 Shea concert was I'm Down.
Anonymous said…
Nice review but he didn't play Long Tall Sally. You must have meant something else.
jersey fan said…
Loved your review. Citifield (7/17) was my 5th McCartney concert since Wings Over America in 1976, and my husband and I agreed that it may very well have been the finest.
Anonymous said…
Question: I have tickets for Tuesday night and the e-mail I received said no cameras allowed. Yet there are lots of photos from last night all over the net - how strict were they about searching fans for cameras? I have a digital camera with a zoom lens I bought especially for this concert - it will fit in my handbag.

Thanks! I am so psyched about the concert after reading the reviews from last night.
Anonymous said…
Most Amazin concert EVER!! Waited over 40 years to see him and it was worth it.
Anonymous said…
I saw him last night (July 18th) he was ammmmaazing!! I would swear he sung closer to 40 songs though.
He expressed emotion in many of his songs like I have never seen before, left me in tears.
No surprise guests. Seats way to tight together, no space to walk between the rows. And the crew did search and frisk us all. Seems like men got wanded. They didn't search too throughly though, plenty of people did sneak in cameras... saw flashes going off all over like fire flies.
Parking is 30 bucks but was a breeze, plent of places to tailgate, programs 30 bucks, tees start at 40! You can pick up an autographed portrait for 5 bucks though! the food is really pricey and awful too, stick to the carvel. Good thing Paul makes up for all of that! Best ever!
And may I add ... he was so humble. He thanked us, bowed etc after every song. He engaged us and tried to please us all. He ia such an amazing person.
Anonymous said…
I'll be there Tuesday night too!! I was wondering the same question, can you bring a digital camera into the concert? I heard you couldn't have them, but then again i'm also seeing tons of pics online.
rabbitontherun said…
Thanks for bringing the show back to life! Yep he was at his best. I love the Wings Over America post you did as well!!
dan said…
You're right that the show was very good. Our seats sucked though.He cried during "Here today" which was very emotional and made it hard not to be the most memorable part of the show.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Mark Baldovin said…
Here is my take on last night's Paul McCartney show at Citi Field.

It was a fantastic show with a wonderful mix of Beatles, Wings and solo material. The weather was not too great, with heavy rain at some points. Since we were up in the nose-bleed section (Section 511, Row 12 - upper deck behind home plate), we were able to stay dry. A few rows closer, and we would have been soaked.

As for the show, I thought that it was great and was thrilled to be part of history. A good mix of Beatles, Wings and solo material. The big screens on the side of the stage were a great help for those of us up in the outer reaches of the stadium without binoculars. I really liked the fireworks during Live and Let Die. We were expecting Billy Joel to show up and were glad to see him, but were disappointed that he only played one song. I would have expected him to stay for the remainder of the encore songs.

As for the kids, Brandon (age 12) preferred the Beatles and Wings songs that he knew. He seemed bored with the rest. Cameron (age 9) fell asleep just as Paul was coming on (8:53 PM according to my Nextel) and slept through most of the show which ended at 11:25PM (according to my Nextel). He later told us that it was past his bedtime. Oh well for the experiment!

Traffic was horrible getting there and getting home, but the show made it all worthwhile.
Anonymous said…
for those who parked, what time did you get to the lots? were there enough spaces? going to the show tuesday night and driving from far away, so i want to make sure i an not driving around looking for parking.

the site said it is limited.

thank you!!!

macca is king!
Unknown said…
how was traffic going to the show? what time did you get there if you answer this question.

how was parking?

thank you! i am going on tuesday and want to plan ahead!
Anonymous said…
I loved your review, it made it sound like it was mine. I went to Saturday's concert, and I was totally blown away! It was my first Paul McC. concert and I couldn't believe I was actually there! I didn't get to see the whole concert because I had to catch a bus home from NYC to Syracuse. But, what I saw made me want to see him again! I had seats in section 426 row 2 seat 13, and I thought that was pretty close. All in all I had a great experience and will never forget my 1st Paul McCartney concert!!
Anonymous said…
great concert-my only issue-why did the ticket say 6:30pm if he was not coming on stage till 9pm-be fair!!
Anonymous said…
Went to Tuesday show - absolutely amazing and i have seen him 8 times - from Madison Square to Philly to DC and back again.....

This was his best from guy who heard teh Ed SUllivan teh time of broadcast, ouch.

Saw them all - Stones, U2, Bruce, Clapton etc etc.....this was Pauls best...what a night, akes it seem so personal and he does them like you want to hear them. He was even more Rock orientated than ever - nice rock version of Ive got a feeling, right through I'm down, Helter Skelter and really nice Let me Roll It - nice Jimmy touch and full of good stories....

I agre love the Beatles stuff would have had more Wings / Solo anytime of course if you have 32 # 1s to your name and God knows how many top tens where do you end - even stuff just from an album is ggod when it's his.

Calico skies was grat - I would haev like lonely road which I though maybe he couldn't hit vocally but after hearing I'm down would have been a piece of cake....

Wonderful show and with so much expectation tough to deliver but of course he did.........

Nice night....damn I didn't get Billy Joel - saw him too over the years.
Jodie said…
I was there also! Best concert I have ever seen! Paul Rocks!!!! No one will ever be able to compare to his greatness! The rain the lightening the power of his performance - unbelievable! I danced the whole time and we sat next to some great people. Boo to the people who stayd in their seats and pulled out their plastic parkas when the rain started and huge applause to the guy dancing on the field - loved him! I saw a guy walking around with a t shirt that had every wings album cover on it - any idea where I can find one? I have been looking everywhere since the concert and can not find it. I even took a picture of it. Anyway best concert and one of the best times of my life. Macca Rules

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